Fred Gielow Posted here for January 4, 2021 ![]() The road back home The election is over. The outcome was determined by vote fraud. And apparently the perpetrators of that fraud will be running the country for the next four years. If they have their way and pass the legislation they want, they'll be running the country from now on. If Joe Biden gives citizenship to those who entered our country illegally -- estimated at 20 million plus -- the takeover of the United States will be complete. Illegals are expected to vote Democrat by perhaps three to one. Conservatives will participate in our government no more. Okay, we know who have been declared winners, but what's the score on some of the other issues? I think this is the score: Election stealing - 1It's not a very happy score. Call me pessimistic, but look at what has been going on for decades. Marxists and socialists have taken over the schools (K through grad school). They've taken over the media, including social media. They've taken over the entertainment industry. They've taken over key political positions throughout our government. They've taken over many big businesses. They've taken over many religions. What's left? What will return us to Constitutional rule? The people? But why won't all the elections from here on be fraudulent? With Democrats and socialists winning all the important ones? I never thought I'd see the systematic destruction of all the principles our Founders fought so hard to give us. I never thought I'd see the United States embrace socialism. But, look about. It's happening right before our eyes. (Perhaps of interest.) |